Focus 1 (of 5)-Collectible

Focus 1 | Collectible

Thinking in terms of “the individual” is good, but it can also be something we hide behind.
Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.
What movie do you wish you could watch again for the first time?
See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.
Tap on the words "Focus 1" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary.
Let’s talk about Pokémon cards.
Listen to this audio clip when you’re ready to begin today’s Spotlight.
(And welcome, by the way! It’s great that you’re here!)
It’s time for show and tell.
Do you have something valuable? Something precious or significant.

  • It can be objectively valuable, that is, a rare or popular item,
  • or it can be subjectively valuable, that is, simply important to you. 

If you’re in a position where you can grab it now, do so. (If you’re doing this Spotlight in a group, explain what you have and why it is valuable.)

As you do, notice a few things:

  • When a person holds something they value, they are often physically affected.
  • When a person talks about something they value, they often think more about their words. 
  • When a person shares something they value, they often take it personally. 

Most importantly, notice that not everything that is collected would be considered collectible to the general public. Some things are special to one person, and that’s OK. In those cases, the collectibility is less about rarity & popularity and more about the effort put into making, obtaining, using, or restoring whatever it is that is (subjectively) valuable.

All that being said, whatever it is and however its value is derived, people want what they consider valuable. In fact, they’ll go pretty far to make sure that what they seek is theirs.

“People who collect objects of rarity, my dear Eustacie, will often, so I believe, go to quite unheard of lengths to acquire the prize they covet.”

Georgette Heyer, The Talisman Ring
Welcome Perspective
When something’s precious, everything that touches it goes up in value.
Consider what makes you collectible in the eyes of God.

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.

1 Peter 1:18–19

This isn’t to say that you’re an “object” or a “prize” to God. You’re a person, and God values you. He proved that you’re not something to be owned and that you’re valuable by…

  1. carefully creating you as a unique person,
  2. calling you into roles and responsibilities in life that matter, 
  3. and restoring you after you’d fallen

…all at great cost to him.

(Notice how this song reflects the three things in the list above as you worship with it.)
Celebrate that God has created you.
One of the best reflections on this reality comes in the Bible’s 139th Psalm.

You have searched me, Lord,
and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.

Psalm 139:1–3

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

Psalm 139:13–16

Use this video to meditate on the goodness in those words.

List two specific ways you could encourage those around you who feel like the neglected scarf in view of this video and Psalm 139.

Take seriously that God has called you.
Not only has God made you a unique person, but he has also called you into unique and personal roles. (In theology, these are called vocations.)

Take about five minutes to think about the roles God has given you…

  1. Grab a piece of paper or a note-taking app.
  2. Rate the roles listed below by how well you feel you’re fulfilling them currently. You can do this in one of two ways: 
    • Rearrange the list so that what you think is going best is at the top and what you think is going worst is at the bottom. 
    • Rate your current level of fulfillment on a scale of 1–10 (10 being the best).

Obviously, some things on the list won’t apply to you. That’s OK. If you’d like some thinking music, hit play on the audio player below. (The track is also your time-keeping device. If you don’t want to have background music, simply set a timer for 3 minutes 30 seconds.)

Say a prayer for your vocations. Use one of the three prayers below, all of which come from an old prayerbook called the “Lutheran Book of Prayer,” to guide your own prayer as you reflect on what you’re doing well, where you have room to improve, and the fact that God loves you unconditionally because of Jesus, not because you are so good at your vocations.

(Click the square images of the prayers below to enlarge and read them.)

And know that God restores you.
If you’re doing this Spotlight with a group, read the Psalm verse by verse, alphabetically by the first letter of your first names.

1 You, Lord, showed favor to your land;
    you restored the fortunes of Jacob.
2 You forgave the iniquity of your people
    and covered all their sins.
3 You set aside all your wrath
    and turned from your fierce anger.

4 Restore us again, God our Savior,
    and put away your displeasure toward us.
5 Will you be angry with us forever?
    Will you prolong your anger through all generations?
6 Will you not revive us again,
    that your people may rejoice in you?
7 Show us your unfailing love, Lord,
    and grant us your salvation.

8 I will listen to what God the Lord says;
    he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants—
    but let them not turn to folly.
9 Surely his salvation is near those who fear him,
    that his glory may dwell in our land.

10 Love and faithfulness meet together;
    righteousness and peace kiss each other.
11 Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,
    and righteousness looks down from heaven.
12 The Lord will indeed give what is good,
    and our land will yield its harvest.
13 Righteousness goes before him
    and prepares the way for his steps.

Psalm 85
Worship Perspective
God crafts, applies, and restores you to make you a true collectible.
Get to know your collectible self.
Start by reading these verses from 1 Corinthians 12.

Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ministries, but the same Lord. And there are different activities, but the same God activates each gift in each person.A demonstration of the Spirit is given to each person to produce what is beneficial:

to one is given a message of wisdom through the Spirit,
to another, a message of knowledge by the same Spirit,
to another, faith by the same Spirit,
to another, gifts of healing by the one Spirit,
to another, the performing of miracles,
to another, prophecy,
to another, distinguishing between spirits,
to another, different kinds of languages,
to another, interpretation of languages.

But one and the same Spirit is active in all these, distributing to each person as he wills.

Explore this section further by working your way through the interactive presentation below. 
Be yourself and listen to this song.
As different people venture into autoethnography, they’ll have feelings as varied as the gifts the Spirit gives. Whether you feel good or bad about who you are, you are loved by God—he promises you are.

Relax into the encouragement of this song now that you’ve done the work of considering your ethnography.

Learn who you are from a fellow Spotlighter.
If you’re doing this Spotlight in a group, pair up. Set a timer for seven minutes. During that time, talk with your partner about…

  • what you perceive your partner’s best gifts to be.
  • roles/vocations you see as part of your partner’s life.
  • how they uniquely contribute to your group.
  • compare aspects of your personal ethnographies that are different/the same.

Learn Perspective
You’re one-of-a-kind, not the only one. There’s no value in a vacuum.
The idea of being “native” to something, of claiming certain ownership over a place or idea or practice, or of calling anything “yours,” is intrinsic to this series. As such, the non-profit Illume has selected to support during the series is connected to the indigenous tribes of the Seattle area. 
Get introduced to the nonprofit for this series, the Chief Seattle Club.
“A sacred space to nurture, affirm, and renew the spirit of urban Native Peoples.”

Read this section from their website:

Founded in 1970 by Jesuit Fr. Raymond Talbott, the Chief Seattle Club is dedicated to supporting physically and spiritually American Indian and Alaska Native peoples here in Seattle. Their LEED Silver Certification building off Pioneer Square on 2nd Ave provides a variety of support services but more importantly a safe, community home for native peoples to come together, to share a meal, and to speak their own languages.

We have served over 60,000 meals in the past year and also provide:

Basic Needs: Breakfast, take-out lunches, showers, laundry service, hygiene items, clothing, blankets, baby and mother items, bus tickets, and eyeglasses. Telephones for local and long-distance calls, state and tribal ID, birth certificates, and mail service to Club members.

Health Care: On-site visiting nurses from the Seattle Indian Health Board and King County Public Health, which will be augmented once a week with an on-site naturopathic physician.

Legal: CSC provides Seattle's only Urban Indian Legal Clinic. Providing on-site, specialized legal assistance via the Northwest Indian Bar Association.
Chemical Dependency Services: Drug and alcohol treatment programs through REACH and White Bison (an American Indian "Wellbriety" and Healing program administered by CSC staff), and a weekly Native American 12-step class.

Housing: Assisting members into shelters, search and placement into transitional and permanent housing, and financial assistance for move-in costs and eviction prevention.

Education: Job readiness, rental readiness class, computer training, professional mentoring.

But that is only part of the Club's story. Chief Seattle Club is engaging the homeless and low-income Native community in an effective and culturally relevant way. We provide cultural, artistic, and spiritual programs and events to Club members. In many ways, this is the most exciting and groundbreaking program of all, and the one for which our new center is especially well suited.

Feel free to submit a prayer request by filling out the below form.
(If you choose to make your request public, you'll see it display in the Current at the end of the Spotlight along with anyone else who did the same.)

Prayer Requests

Pray through your requests—together—as a group.
After submitting your requests in the above form, take some time to share with your group whatever requests the group might have for this week.
Serve Perspective
Knowing where you are is the first step to getting where you want to be.
Confess your faith with unique Christians from around the world.
You are unique, and your uniqueness connects you with billions of other God-created/vocated/restored people. Your faith is unique, and yet it is shared by millions of Christians around the world. Celebrate this by speaking the words of the Apostles Creed (the oldest statement of faith in Christianity) along with the voices of Christians from around the world.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
The third day he rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
Sing along with (or listen to) this song to close out this Spotlight.
Feel free to sing along or simply listen. Do what makes you comfortable—but do whatever helps you focus on the song's meaning best.
Farewell Perspective
You are something else, and while God loves you for it, he loves the rest, too.
Let's wrap things up by taking a look at what's Current at Illume.

Tap on the buttons in the frame below to see what’s currently happening at Illume—information on everything from current and upcoming online content to live events and opportunities to serve in the community can all be found here.                          

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