
and be seen. 

It's the purpose of the light.
People aren't meant to be alone.
You yourself, your friends and family,
your neighborhood and tribes and cities…
everything you're part of is proof that we all need each other.
This is why Illume helps get people and groups into interdependent relationships in whatever ways are possible.

Discover Rest, Wisdom, & Purpose:
Join a Spotlight Community

We believe that developing vulnerable friendships by worshiping, learning, and serving together is a great way to bring light into the dark parts of life.
How to Get Involved
Getting involved with Spotlight Communities is easy. Illume's Spotlight Community times are listed below. Join today!

If you want to learn more, contact Kent at 

This Month’s Featured Spotlight Series:

Illume has created many series that are available for you to use any time you’d like, especially if a particular topic or need arises. At the same time, we do suggest one each month for our Spotlight Communities to do together.

If you don't know what a "Spotlight" is, check out the next section of this page.
Focus 5 (of 5)-Collectedness
May 30th, 2021
Confession can be the heartbeat of the individual and of the group. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Would you rather have a pet sloth or a pet parrot? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on the words "Focus 5" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary. Can you spot the differences (again)?You may remember this exercise from the second Focus of t...
Focus 4 (of 5)-The Collect
May 23rd, 2021
Why are we trying to address and confess collective sin? For collective growth. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.What weird fashion trend would you bring back? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on the words "Focus 4" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary. Let’s take a moment to talk about vergangenheitsbewältigung(And welcome, by the way! I...
Focus 3 (of 5)-Collectively
May 16th, 2021
Whenever you discover more guilt for yourself, you’re met with more forgiveness. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Choose one famous person from history you want on your team during a zombie apocalypse. See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on the words "Focus 3" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary. Let’s talk about Joshes.Listen to this audio...
Focus 2 (of 5)-Collectable
May 9th, 2021
“You” is both singular and plural, and you are, too. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Imagine you can instantly learn any language. Which would you choose? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on the words "Focus 2" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary. Let’s talk about odd collections.Listen to this audio clip when you’re ready to begin toda...
Focus 1 (of 5)-Collectible
May 2nd, 2021
It’s important for you to know how special you are to God—you, as an individual, are honestly precious to him. And part of what makes you significant is the way you can be good for all the other special people around you and the ways they can be good for you....

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